This tool is intended only as a method of broadly comparing different public transport modes. You should always take professional advice on the potential modes of transport that might deliver your scheme objectives and not rely on this tool. The tool only suggests potential physical capabilities, the economic aspects are not considered and would form part of later stages of assessment.

The filter for “Compatible with rail freight?” refers to a need to have through operation of mainline railway freight services; if you are unsure on this, or it is not a relevant issue please leave this set to “All Items”.

If you think that further separation of modes would be helpful, or there should be additional criteria to select on, please let us know using the Contact Form.

Bus and coach

Bus and coach can provide an important service when passenger demands are not sufficient to…


Tram Trains offer an opportunity to operate a service on a conventional tramway or light…

Heavy Rail – Intercity and long distance

The term 'heavy rail' is used to refer to conventional mainline railways, in comparison to metros, tramways, or…

Metro Systems

LUL vehicles. Source: Office of Rail and Road These systems are typified in the UK…

Heavy Rail – Local and Suburban

The term 'heavy rail' is used to refer to conventional mainline railways, in comparison to metros, tramways, or…

Light Rail

Light Rail is broad term that can cover a wide range of vehicle types and…

Personal Rapid Transit

Personal Rapid Transit is a term that is used to cover a range of systems…