Image of exit from a station to illustrate concept of 'moving on'.

Completing all the parts of the toolkit is not enough on its own to create a case for a project.

When you have all the separate elements and can justify that your proposals are fit for purpose you can build this information into a more solid business case.

The tools help make sure you have covered all the ground to build that case. This will make developing the case more straightforward, including developing business cases for the Restoring Your Railway fund.

This case is something you can take to stakeholders and build a consensus around your project.

Any application for public funds needs to build a business case that aligns with HM Treasury’s five case model, the Green Book.

If your project is related to the mainline railway then you should engage with the strategic planners and sponsors in Network Rail.
Network Rail has business development directors in the regions to work collaboratively with businesses, local authorities and other public sector bodies to bring investment into the railway, to enable economic growth and regeneration Opportunities for third parties – Network Rail.
If your project relates to light rail or rapid transit then you should approach the Centre of Excellence at UKTram for advice.

If your assessment has shown that rail-based transport might not be appropriate for resolving your strategic objectives and that active travel solutions are preferable, then following advice from Active Travel England might be useful. This body was launched in late 2022 and is currently developing guidance and supporting documents. Until this is published some existing resources related to active travel are listed at the bottom of this page, including links to the guidance of the Scottish and Welsh Governments.

Further sources of guidance

The websites below may offer some additional useful guidance to help you set out your proposals.

The Infrastructure Projects Authority (IPA)
IPA: “Guide for effective benefits management in major projects”
IPA: “Principles for project success”
IPA: “Project Initiation Routemap”
IPA: “Guide to completing the project/programme outcome profile”
Cabinet Office: The construction playbook
HM Treasury Green book supplementary guidance on transport
National Audit Office: Project Delivery Lessons
National Audit Office: Self assessment resources
Department for Transport: Transport Analysis Guidance overview
Department for Transport: Transport Analysis Guidance
Department for Transport: Public Rights of Way
Department for Transport: Transport Investment Strategy
Department for Transport: Transport decarbonisation plan
Department for Transport: Bus Back Better
Department for Transport: Cycling and walking plan for England
Office of Rail and Road: Investing in the Rail Network
Network Rail: Third Party Investment
Olympics Learning Legacy website
Crossrail Learning Legacy website

Guidance on Active Travel

Active Travel England
Cycle infrastructure design (LTN 1/20)
Designing and modifying residential streets, Supplementary guidance on busy urban and rural streets
Transport decarbonisation: local authority toolkit
Transport Scotland – active travel
Welsh Government – Active Travel Act guidance